Boarding School Considerations


UK Boarding schools take boarders from the age of 7yrs to 18yrs, the best age to start will depend on personal circumstances. We frequently meet mobile families where their jobs require them to move every two or three years, there comes a time when you cannot keep moving your child from school to school; depending on the country they move to and the education available, at some point boarding school may be the best option.

UK Boarding, a great choice at whatever age you start!

Planning early is a sensible approach, allow eighteen months to two years, to research, visit schools and make that important decision of selecting the best school for your child. However, we are aware that this is not always possible, if suddenly you get a new posting/job thousands of miles away, quick decisions need to be made, we can help with this!

One of the most important decisions for parents and the children is the choice of school, you are trusting your children’s academic development and day-to-day welfare and happiness to the school. However, by working with Anderson Education, you can be certain that high standards are assured.

The Anderson Education team have visited over 350 UK boarding schools and colleges, with our specialist help you are certain to find a school that best suits your child’s needs.

The UK’s long-established and highly respected independent boarding schools welcome young people from around the world, and are currently home to around 26,000 international students.

There are three main types of independent boarding school for students aged 7 to 18 years. These are:

  • Preparatory Schools (sometimes called junior schools) for students aged 7 to 11 or 13 years
  • Senior Schools (sometimes called secondary schools) for students aged 11 or 13 years to 16 or 18 years
  • Independent Colleges (which are often referred to as tutorial, sixth-form or further education colleges) for students aged 16 and over
  • International Study Centres or ISC as they are known, are linked to boarding schools and prepare international students for life at a traditional boarding school.
Anderson Education work with all these schools and are able to help you select the best school for each child.