There is a body of research which suggests that girls do learn differently from boys. So, if that is the case, maybe you should consider a girls school for your daughter instead of sending her to a co-ed school. Evidence suggests that girls perform better in subjects such as science and maths when taught alone, Approaches to learning and to particular subjects need to be considered, as well as the different stages in adolescence experienced by girls and boys. Girls often gain more confidence from taking on the full range of responsibility and by selecting subjects on the basis of their real interests.
The social static and inherent distractions which occur when you mix adolescent boys and girls together in a coeducational school just do not happen in a girls' school. The social expectations and stereotypes can be broken down. There will be time enough later for the distractions which members of the opposite sex provide. Fewer distractions mean a girl can focus on being herself, finding out who she is, exploring new worlds, lines of thinking and so much more. She can think outside the box with relative impunity. And that is a good thing.
Teachers in a girls' school are hired because they believe in this kind of education, they understand how girls learn. They provide the kind of nurturing and encouragement a girl needs in order to become all that she can and wants to be. They provide and cite role models which appeal to and encourage girls. When a school does not have to accommodate both sexes, it simplifies the running and organization of the school. The only focus is girls and their needs and activities.
All-girls schools offer a unique environment for girls to grow and develop; when short listing schools we strongly recommend that you visit one or two girls schools. Anderson Education have visited over 50 all girls schools, we can recommend schools to you for consideration and answer any questions that you may have.