Q&A fact file Lime House School



What do the children do when lessons are over?

When lessons are over our children continue to have fun.  A programme of activities runs for all pupils where they get to try out new experiences, sports, gardening, cooking, dance, drama and art to name just a few.  These groups are vertically structured so that there are leadership and mentoring opportunities for the older pupils and the younger pupils are absorbed into a culture of aspiration.

Are Drama and Music strong at your school?

Very strong.  We regularly sweep the board at the Music and Drama Festival with pupils being invited to give Gala performances.  Performing Arts is the beating heart of the school allowing everyone the opportunity to participate, learn new skills and be creative.  Regular school shows and concerts allow parents to share the excitement.

Do you offer scholarships or bursaries; how much of the fee will they cover?

We do offer bursaries, this depends on the individual and is discussed on application.

What is the largest group of one nationality in the boarding house?

We have four boarding areas with a good mix of nationalities. 18 dormitories for girls and 26 dormitories for boys ranging from 2 to 4 beds.

Can I be sure my child will make friends?

We work hard to make sure each child feels welcomed and valued from the moment they first make our acquaintance.  Skilled pastoral staff make sure the transition from school is seamless and a buddying system gives everyone a friend to start with.  Activities, trips, fun games all help pupils to mix across the year groups and feel part of the school community.  Pupils settle quickly and support each other throughout the day, socialising and even cooking for each other at the weekends.

What makes your school special?

Our school is special because of the way it makes people feel.  Pupils and staff are happy.  They are fulfilled by what they are doing and excited by the learning.  A home from home for our boarders, we nurture wellbeing in our beautiful grounds, the most special things about our school is the smiles on the faces and the laughter in the air.

Questions answered by Jackie Fisher, Director of Boarding/Marketing, Lime House School